Shí eí Amy N. Begaye yinishyé. Bit’ahnii nishłí, Naasht’ézhí Tábaahá báshíshchíín adóó Hashk’aan Hadzohí dashicheii, Kinyaa’áanii dashinalí. Shimá eí Odessa Reeves wolyé, Shizhé’é eí Leroy Begay wolyé. Shimasaní eí Lorraine Reeves wolyé, Shicheii eí Leo Reeves Sr wolyé int’éé. Shinalí asdzáán eí Lillie Begay wolyé, Shinalí hastíín eí Henry Begay Sr. wolyé int’éé. Nileí Todinéézhéé dóó Beclabitó déé iiyisi naashá. Chiyáán azéé íłinigi bił naztí’igi éí baíníshta’. K’ad shí eí Naabeehó Diné Bi’cheeké Naaki dii miil dóó bi’aan Naadíín táá dóó Naaki dii miil dóó bi’aan Naadíín díí nishłí. Ahé’héé nitsaagó.
My name is Amy N. Begaye and I am of the Folded Arms People, born for the Zuni Edge Water People, my maternal grandparents of the Yucca Fruit Strung on a Line People, and my paternal grandparents are of the Towering House People. I am 25 years-old and I reside in the communities of Kayenta, Arizona and Beclabito, New Mexico. My parents are Odessa Reeves and Leroy Begay. My maternal grandparents are Lorraine Reeves and the late Leo L. Reeves Sr. My parents grandparents are Lillie Begay and the late Henry G. Begay Sr. I also have two younger sisters. I attended Dixie State University where I hold a Bachelors of Science in Population Health with an emphasis in Public Health. I also am a Masters Student at Arizona State University with a concentration in Medical Nutrition. Thank you!